Cost of Living in Kansas City, MO
A few key factors come to mind when looking at the cost of living in Kansas City , Missouri. The top two or three are economy and environment. Let's examine them both and then look at the final factor, personal safety and security. Let's start with economic factors. A few years ago when I was doing research on the cost of living in Kansas City, Missouri, I discovered that there was a great deal of optimism in the economy. It seemed that everyone was feeling good about the state and it looked like it would rebound from the sub-prime housing market crash. But now we see that housing prices have gone back down and it's clear that it was only a temporary blip. So it looks like there is still a lot of work to be done in this economy. But one thing I did notice is that there wasn't much real estate market activity. There wasn't anything going on at all. That makes a lot of sense because the last sub-prime mortgage bust took place when real estate values were at their hi...